Terms and Conditions


Point 1: Object
This contract has the purpose to define the conditions and civil responsibilities of clients who celebrate with the commercial company Branquinho da Silva, Bike Events, Lda., Collective Person No. 509 307 760, which from now on will be called Abilio Bikes Shop, with headquarters at Rua João Vaz Corte Real, No. 23A, 8800-351 TAVIRA, temporary contracts for a limited period of rental and use of bicycles.

Point 2: Duration
This contract is valid and takes effect with the signature by both parties. Its duration is only valid during the time of bike rental.

Point 3: Booking Cancellation
The cancellation of any booking up to 48 hours of the start of the rental is free of charge. Any booking cancelled less than 48 hours before the start of the rental implies losing the amount already paid as reservation.

Point 4: Return the bike before the end of the rental period
When the customer returns the bike before the end of the rental period, the time that was not used will not be deducted from the rental payment.

Point 5: Delay in returning the bike
Except in the case of failure not attributable to the customer, sinister, theft, fire or other cause of higher nature, when 1 hour has gone by since the estimated time to return the bike, there will be a penalty of 2€ (two euros, VAT included) per hour late, this penalty will be billed to the client afterwards. After 24 hours of not returning the rented bike, a complaint will be made to the authorities.

Point 6: Mode of payment
The rental cost will be paid at the time of signing the contract.

Point 7: Penalties and other expenses
In case of damage, loss or theft to the bike, the customer shall immediately inform Abilio Bikes Shop. The customer will be responsible for any damage caused to the rented materials and will have to pay accordingly so that Abílio Bikes Shop fully recover the cost. All other interventions from Abilio Bikes Shop will be billed to the customer per incident (e.g. Intervention or movement when the bike is not delivered to the origin place, forgetfulness or loss).
The deterioration, loss, theft and / or theft is not a reason for suspension and / or termination of contract by the customer, continuing the rental to be billed in accordance with the conditions initially contracted.

Section 8: Insurance

The bike rental to the customer immediately includes coverage under a policy of personal injury with the company Tranquilidade N.º 0003820225.

If there is an accident against other persons, the customer is responsible for payment of 250€.

Section 9: Warranty Service
The customer declares to accept that under certain circumstances, including simultaneous requests from multiple clients surpassing the number of bikes available at the relevant time, Abilio Bikes Shop may not be able to provide bicycles, and therefore its commitment is limited. On 30/09/2024, the company has 180 bikes.

Name of the rental service
Per customer it is understood the user of the bicycle, the individual on whose name the contract of bicycle use will appear. Only customers are allowed to use the bike and benefit from the service conditions.
In the execution of this contract, the customer expressly recognizes to be the only one responsible before the company Abilio Bikes Shop and will also be the only one responsible for all amounts to be paid under the contract, as well as for the fulfilment of conditions for membership and the resolution of the contract.

Title I: Object of the service
Abilio Bikes Shop is required to provide the customer with the temporary use and pre-determined periods through the booking of bicycles that form its fleet and that is affecting the accomplishment of the purposes of this contract, pursuant to these General and Particular Conditions. The delivery and collection of bike (s) and accessories take place at Abilio Bikes Shop premises. Abílio Bikes Shop can also deliver and collect the bicycles and accessories in a place that customer can notice us with extra cost.

Minimum of 2 bikes for a minimum period of 5 consecutive days.

This service is subject to availability.

Section 1: Membership conditions and suspension of contract
a) Acceptance of the rental company.

To benefit from the related rental bike services and to obtain the acceptance of Abilio Bikes Shop, the customer must show the originals of the following documents:
– A valid identification document (as Citizen Card, Identity Card, Passport, …);
– A Certificate from the Commercial Registry, in case it is a collective entity.
Registration of underage persons should be done by those who legally represent them. Abilio Bikes Shop keeps the right to verify the accuracy of the documents submitted and to reject the acceptance of the proposal to someone who, for example, shows visible signs of drunkenness, is under the  influence of drugs, as well as if the individual has any psychological disorder or physical disability that prevents the safe and proper use of the equipment.
Whenever any of the personal information changes, the customer must inform Abilio Bikes Shop under penalty of resolution for a fair cause of this contract.
When booking bike (s) and / or accessories, 30% of the rental amount will be charged to the costumer if the reservation is made through the website www.abiliobikes.com or the whole amount of the rental value if the reservation is made on the premises of Abilio Bikes Shop, and in any of those situations the reservation should be made 24 hours in advance.
Also, when signing the contract, the client must leave the amount of 2€ per bike as a deposit in case of rent comfort bike, MTB 29 or Children’s bike, 100€ for the carbon road bike, gravel bikes and E-bikes, 200€ for E-MTB which will be refunded upon return of the bikes and/or accessories as long as they are in the same condition in which they were collected / delivered.

Point 2: Bicycle
The rental agreement applies to bikes and / or accessories as defined in the conditions of the contract which the client admits being aware of. To the most possible extent, Abilio Bikes Shop will do its best to make available to the client a bike that meets the preferences expressed by the customer. However, it can always happen that Abilio Bikes Shop will have to make available to the customer a bike according to the availability of bikes at the time of booking.
The bike is delivered in good working condition with the structure well kept, however there may be non-visible and / or apparent defects. The two tyres of the vehicle will be in accordance with the legal requirements that permit the circulation. In case of deterioration of one or more tyres from a cause different from normal wear and tear inherent to its movement, its replacement will be carried out by Abilio Bikes Shop and the respective cost will be paid by the customer. In case of loss of the bike and / or accessories, its replacement will be the responsibility of the customer through compensation payable to Abilio Bikes Shop in accordance with the prices table contained in the particular conditions.
The customer is committed to using the bike riding it under the terms of legislation and in accordance with the Highway Code and cannot ride it outside the territorial area of Portugal Continental.
The travel assistance (trip to the premises, workforce) is free within 5 km of the premises of Abilio Bikes Shop. Within a range farther than 5 km and less than 30 km to Abilio Bikes Shop, the travel assistance will have a cost for the customer of €1 per km travelled. For a range farther than 30 km from Abilio Bikes Shop, the customer must, in case of damage, immediately contact Abilio Bikes Shop so that it can find a repair shop as close as possible to the customer, who is responsible to move there at their own expenses. The travel assistance only works in the period between 10am and 6pm, from Monday to Saturday.
It is not allowed the loan or any other form of transfer of cycling to any person not expressly authorized by contract and / or by Abilio Bikes Shop. In any case, the customer will remain responsible, in their capacity as contractor, for the amounts owed and / or the title of the bill or resolution and execution of this contract.

Title II: Terms of particular conditions
Point 3: Rental

The rental agreement must indicate the date, time and location of picking up/ delivery of the bike, as well as the duration of the rental.

Title III: Travel
Point 4: Collection and return of the bicycle

After collection/ delivery of the bike, the customer takes custody of it, thus being entirely responsible for it and its accessories up to the time of its return to the same place where it was collected or to a place previously agreed upon with Abilio Bikes Shop.
If during the collection and / or return of the bike the client verifies that it is not in working condition, he should immediately inform Abilio Bikes Shop.

Point 5: Increase of the rental period (requested during the bicycle use)
If customers wish to extend the duration of their rental, they should contact Abilio Bikes Shop, asking them to change it and waiting for the respective authorization.

Point 6: Delay in returning
The customer must inform Abilio Bikes Shop of any delay that could affect the return within the terms established in the contract. This same period of delay will be charged to the customer according to the contractual tariff, plus a penalty as provided in the particular conditions of the contract. If the delay equals or surpasses twenty-four hours and this does not arise from an express agreement between the parties, Abilio Bikes Shop reserves the right to pursue against the client for theft.

Point 7: Breakdowns, accidents, incidents, degradations, theft or accidents
In either of the above cases that may occur during the rental period, the customer must contact Abilio Bikes Shop. The costs of towing and repairing the bike in its premises, such as replacement of parts or tyres, shall be borne by Abilio Bikes Shop when they result from wear or any normal circumstance inherent to the proper use of the bicycle. Repair should be done in the premises of Abilio Bikes Shop or at a location indicated by them. In case of robbery the customer is fully responsible for the total payment of the bicycle and accessories. The amount to pay is written in the contract that the client sign when he rent the bike.

Title IV: Billing and management
Section 8: Billing

The customer is responsible for any sums from the company listed below Abilio Bikes Shop:
– The registration fees, non-refundable and allowing customers to benefit from the rental company’s services;
– Rental rates, other expenses (fines, penalties and / or damages related to delays, thefts or robberies …), management expenses, fines and miscellaneous expenses;
– Reimbursement of the repair costs.
Rental rates will be in effect at the date of signing the contract, according to the modalities defined in the particular conditions of the contract, and will be applicable on the date of signature.
The contract data will be the same that will appear on the invoice. The invoice is issued after signing the contract and subject to immediate payment.

Point 9: Responsibility for guarding the bike
Any damage, loss, theft or degradation to the bike and its accessories will be the customer’s responsibility from the moment that they received / collected it until the time of their return / collection. In addition, customers are fully responsible for all fines or fines for violation of the Highway Code and other legislation. In case of accident the customer is committed to request from the public authority (PSP or GNR) a report, a copy of which must be delivered to Abilio Bikes Shop within twenty-four hours at the most. In case of theft / pilferage the customer must immediately inform the public authority and contact Abilio Bikes Shop, except in cases of force majeure, taking the documentary evidence that a formal complaint was made to the competent authorities.
It is expressly accepted by the customer that Abilio Bikes Shop has the right to communicate to the competent authorities their identity if they had not already done so, if there is suspicion of their having committed an offence.

Point 10: End of contract
The end of the contract automatically occurs at the moment when the bike (s) and / or attachment (s) rented are returned by the customer to Abilio Bikes Shop or when collected by the latter, and the debts attached to the same rental agreement are settled, should there be any.

Point 11: Treatment of personal data
All personal data collected by Abilio Bikes Shop are provided voluntarily and shall not be transferred to third parties, unless authorized by the customer for this purpose or in cases expressly mentioned in the contract.

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